Another Drawing

At least I crank out some figure sketches every now and then to keep my skills going. I would like to work on some more polished, finished pieces, but finding the time and energy seem like a whole another thing.

Little brown bear

I was just playing around with an idea. It didn’t get very far, but I did get this little sketch out of it.

I'm really bad at this

I’m just as bad at keeping a blog as I figure I would be. But hey, no need to focus on how often I should do something and just keep at it regardless of my pace.

I’ve learned from journaling (that’s a word, right? Spellcheck is telling me it is not) that although I’m not super consistent, the more I do it, the more I am encouraged to do it. So perhaps this is true for blogging.

Here is something I did this past Mother’s Day weekend. It took me a little longer than I estimated, but it was nice to work on a larger scale and on glass (easy to scrape away!). Less fun was free-handing an arc and consistent edge work.

Diablo painting

Even though I started this website about 5 years ago I don’t really blog. I don’t read many, nor am I one that shares a lot of content on social media sites. I do think it is important to show new work, but I don’t want the guilt of feeling like I have to, or if I did “X” number of post one month I need to keep with that pace. I just want to share on my terms I guess. Knowing me it will be infrequent and of no cohesion, but that’s okay, it’s really mostly just for me.

I had to start this painting on a fresh new canvas because the first try was overworked and had fundamental issues. I would not say this is the spitting image of Diablo the cat, but at least it looks like a cat.
